Would your organisation benefit from an HR audit?
What is an HR audit?
A human resources audit is a comprehensive method to review current human resources policies, procedures, documentation and systems in your organisation. It’s a means to identify needs for improvement and enhancement of the HR function as well as to assess compliance with ever-changing rules and regulations.
Why have an HR audit?
Regardless of the size of your organisation, supporting your staff with up-to-date policies, procedures, documents and having effective systems in place is an absolute must. Being proactive with the management of your human resources, will help with employee onboarding process, ensure your teams feel more supported and valued and give you piece of mind that you are compliant with any recent changes in HR guidance or legislation.
How we can help
Really getting to know our client’s HR needs and culture is at the heart of what we do. Our HR Consultants, Kate and Nicola, are experienced professionals who are extremely approachable and skilled at assessing the HR needs of an organisation.
Once you come on-board as a client we will quickly set up a date for our HR Audit with you, either face to face or via Teams. When we meet, we will go through a detailed conversation with you to review what you have in place from an HR perspective, where your gaps are and also discuss with you what your planned HR requirements may be over the next 12 months.
Client testimonial
Star Throwers is a Norfolk charity dedicated to providing support for people with cancer and their loved ones. Founded in 2008, the organisation consists of a board of Trustees, a core team of staff, a charity shop team and volunteers. The charity have been using our Payroll service for several years and when the Operations and Fundraising Manager was employing 2 new staff in 2021, she needed some HR advice and approached our team.
“We’ve been really happy with our Payroll admin and support, so I sent an enquiry to the HR team and had a really quick response, which is always a good sign.
Nicola came to meet me and we talked about our needs. I was pleasantly surprised with the cost; very reasonable and manageable for a small charity like ours and the Trustees agreed, so we went ahead.
We had a follow up meeting online which was very thorough, and the HR audit was really useful.
Our priority was to implement the sick pay policy. As a charity supporting people with Cancer, this is important to us and shows we value our staff. Nicola was so helpful, she sent me examples of industry standards and saved me hours of research.
We now have a suite of over 40 policies, and this helps us with our sustainability as a charity. The templates are easy to adapt and personalise.
They have also helped us with contracts for the 2 new staff, one of which is a fixed contract and they have given us suggestions and tailored advice to get this right. Nicola has taken the time to understand how we work; they know not one size fits all.
We have only used 3 of our contracted hours to implement huge changes. Without Nicola, this would have taken me months to achieve.
It feels like they reply within minutes, and I can go to them with any queries, however big or small – I have been very impressed”. Operations and Fundraising Manager.
Within a short period of time, Star Throwers have up-to-date policies and procedures underpinning the work they do, a pro-forma staff handbook for new staff, reassurance of what they are already doing well and a development plan tailored to their organisational needs.
If you would like to discuss your HR needs, we would love to hear from you!
You can get in touch by emailing hr@cbrsolutions.org.uk or find out more here.