Resources for Supporting Employee Wellbeing
With the lockdown in the UK now entering it’s 8th week, employers are looking at further supporting their employees wellbeing, whether in work, working at home or whilst furloughed. It is part of an employer’s duty of care responsibilities as well as essential to maintain employee engagement and goodwill at this challenging time.
The week of 18 – 24 May also sees Mental Health Awareness Week 2020. For further information go to the Mental Health Foundation website. The theme this year is kindness.
CBR Business Solutions HR Consultant Nicola McCall MCIPD has researched and collated resources that are suitable for employers to share and suggest to their employees. The list below is broken down into resources for all employees and those for managers.
Resources for Employees
Every Mind Matters Quiz and personal plan – Very useful website on mental health. There is a wellbeing quiz which on completions suggests tools and activities. Lots of other resources so useful for family too.
Cup-o-T Personal daily wellness planner – Complete on a daily basis as a reminder of self-care and personal needs. Can be used going forward when the crisis ends for maintaining wellbeing in the workplace. This is from a Norfolk Occupational Therapist Cup-o-T.
NHS support – Nationally check for local support. In Norfolk the below is available.
Find help- Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust This has the telephone number for a 24/7 helpline 0808 196 3494 and also has the Samaritans’ contact.
Mindset: Free online self-coaching tool Thriving in Isolation – Mindset is the online coaching tool of Coaching Culture Magazine and they have offered this excellent self coaching tool and work book for free till the end of May 2020. Firstly there is a questionnaire for the individual and then there is an outcome on how well you are doing in isolation and where you high scores are in areas, with definitions of areas. It then moves to how could you improve areas with a downloadable workbook and self-coaching tools suggested on the programme. The learning from this will be of use in life and work at more normal times too!
You can sign up free for a link to share with your teams via this Mindset form
Resources for Managers
Benni – 10 tips on How to manage people working remotely. From Benni, an employee benefits organization. Can be printed off and displayed.
ACAS – This video is 12 minutes long.
Responding to staff mental health in the current climate
ACAS also have regular blogs and other information on Coronavirus.
Anxiety article – If a manager has a team member who is experiencing anxiety or they are concerned by how an employee is when they are in contact, this article shares how it feels to have anxiety. Managers may read it and understand how they are feeling too.
The anxiety experience: 7 metaphors to illustrate anxiety
Remploy – Nationally, Remploy can support with mental health issues at work. They would be a useful support tool too. Employers can refer an employee (with permission we would suggest) or share the resource with the employee for them to self refer.