Are your Covid-19 response roles really eligible for free-of-charge DBS applications?

The Disclosure and Barring Service has recently issued further guidance surrounding who and what qualifies for free-of-charge applications and their new fast-track Barred List check service.

Will Hough, from the CBR Business Solutions DBS Team said  ‘Earlier this year, in response to Covid 19, the government’s waived DBS application fees for some essential workers in health and social care roles, and for some Covid related volunteer roles.  DBS have been very specific about which roles were and were not eligible for free applications and the Fast-track service, but it appears that some organisations have, either deliberately or accidentally, interpreted the rules to their financial benefit, so the DBS have issued a reminder and further guidance about eligibility.’

This view is endorsed by a paragraph within the updated guidance which states ‘…some related roles are not eligible for the free-of-charge checks or fast-track emergency Barred List(s) checks. If it is found that free-of-charge checks are being applied for outside of these set guidelines, the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) will recover payment and take action in accordance with the Code of Practice where necessary.’

CBR’s experienced DBS team can provide guidance on the DBS checks that are appropriate your employee and volunteer roles in accordance with DBS legislation.  To contact the team, email
